Maternity and Newborn
Maternity and newborn photos can be bundled for a discount or simply booked individually.
Newborn sessions are about three hours long. This allows for a no-stress approach that works with baby's mood and schedule. It offers a chance to get as many poses of your little one as possible. To make it as easy on the tired mama's as I can, I will come to you with all my equipment and capture your images in the comfort of your own home. I supply all the props, but if you have something special you wish to include, you are more than welcome! Images with the family and baby are also welcome if desired. Each session comes with a minimum of twenty fully edited images on a thumb drive for your convenience.
Newborn sessions are best scheduled before baby's arrival. Newborn photos are best taken when the baby is between six and ten days old. After the first two weeks, it is difficult to guarantee poses. Because due dates are not completely accurate, you can contact me after baby's arrival to nail down a specific date.